Why I Am a Mennonite

On May 3, Sue Park-Hur was first in a series to engage the question of Why am I a Mennonite?

Sue addresses the fact that for a long time, Mennonites were communities from Swiss-German and Russian communities, having resettled there after persecution for believing in adult baptism (very radical at the time of conception of the theology.) The resulting communities tended were unique, and sometimes insular — and the term cradle Mennonite refers to those born into an ethnic sense of the faith.

As a Korean-American exposed to and embracing the core tenets of Mennonites — Sue has realized that she felt challenged to prove that she was Mennonite enough. It was a question of identity.

To this Sue looks to Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness in Matthew 4:1-11 with fresh eyes for Satan’s challenge to Jesus’ identity.

Hear more of her inspiring thoughts in the audio linked below.

download here

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Pasadena Mennonite Church
1041 N Altadena Dr, Pasadena CA 91107

+1 626-398-8224