Why I am (still) a Mennonite

Photo of mural by Tim Mossholder

Eric set the tone for his reflections by having us read Acts 17:22-31, where the Athenians have been worshipping a God they could not yet name, and 1 Peter 3:13-22, where we are reminded to “always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an account of the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence.”

Eric then shares thoughts about how our history shapes where we arrive, the Mennonite “melodies” of pacifism (though complex); of consensus decision making — truly hearing and valuing the variety of points of view within community; and the value of mutual aid — which takes work given how counter-cultural it is; and lastly the idea of “a third way.”

As these melodies have faded to “accompaniment,” Eric visits the question of what keeps him returning to his anabaptist faith. In the reality of the hurts that come within families and communities, Eric finds meaningful the work of allowing the community to speak into our lives — to push back against the idea that we must only be individual and autonomous selves.

In addition, he explores the idea of moving away from binary thought, away from ideas of right belief and right action toward a different way of receiving and caring for people — toward the goodness of nurturing acceptance of one another and ourselves. He is called into continuing this deep learning.

Hear more as Eric fleshes out these ideas and values — even as he shares anabaptist values.

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Pasadena Mennonite Church
1041 N Altadena Dr, Pasadena CA 91107

+1 626-398-8224