Dwell in Love: A Consecration Sunday Sermon

Jason Wilkins: Mural at Kawartha Food Supply

Every year at Pasadena Mennonite, we engage in something called Consecration Sunday. On this day, we take stock of our common community, recommit to our Covenant of Faith, determine how we will be able to contribute to our community throughout the year in time and finances, and sometimes we even welcome some new members. In this way, we take ownership over our common mission and we determine what our means are. We are not a “build it and they will come” church. We are a church who thanks God for what we have and commit to using it for our common life and journey, working within these means as God directs.

This Consecration Sunday, Tim preached on 1 John 3:11-17 and abiding in love, in the foundational, mysterious, and overwhelming love of God, that, strangely enough is manifest in the little acts and love of our little community and its common life. As you listen to this sermon, imagine how you might yourself be bound up in and carried away with the divine energy of God’s love that holds us, moves us, and shapes us into love ourselves.

You can listen to the audio for the sermon here:

Or you can watch our Zoom feed here:

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Pasadena Mennonite Church
1041 N Altadena Dr, Pasadena CA 91107

+1 626-398-8224