Jesus, the Wilderness

This week, Tim led us in a reflection on the theme of wilderness, how it can be conceived in different ways, and how we might take on this theme of wilderness as part of the rhythm of our Lenten journey. In particular, we discussed how this theme has been utilized in the American and white-settler imagination, and how wilderness has often been used as something opposed to civilization that needs to be conquered and utilized. This week, we tried to flip that script and talk about wilderness as a place apart from the domineering and oppressing center, a place so many are driven to, bu a place of journey life, hope, and solidarity, as God’s word comes forth from the wilderness and life springs up at the edges.

One story we focused on was that of the Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole nations’ attempt to have their land federally recognized. This story has been laid out clearly in the podcast from Rebecca Nagle (journalist and citizen of Cherokee nation) called This Land.

You can listen to the sermon here:

Or watch a recording of our Zoom message here:

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Pasadena Mennonite Church
1041 N Altadena Dr, Pasadena CA 91107
+1 626-398-8224