Faith of a Future Not Our Own

This week, Erica Scoffield Nellessen led us in a reflection on faith. She calls us to consider our faith as a faith beyond our own vision, but that is a hope in the faithful God. To this end, she invites us to consider both Jesus’s call to Peter to step out in faith, and God’s call Abraham to step out similarly. This faith is a trust and belief in God’s own vision and love, a living out a beautiful imagination, a commitment deeper than our ability to see how it all works out, a faith grounded in a God who is good, faithful, and beautiful.

Our title, here, is a play on the name of a poem written in 1979 by Cardinal John Francis Dearden, “Prophets of a Future Not Our Own.” You can read that here, but Erica will also read that for us.

Listen to the sermon here:

Or you can watch the feed of Erica’s sermon from our Sunday gathering here:

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Pasadena Mennonite Church
1041 N Altadena Dr, Pasadena CA 91107
+1 626-398-8224