Jesus and Justice

On September 11th, we were honored to hear from Sarah Augustine, a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant and the author of The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (Herald Press, 2021). This is the first week in a back to basics series called Anabaptist Academy, and centers around Jesus and Justice.

We were privileged to have Sarah speak to us several years ago, and learned about and became members of Reapair Network for the Anabaptist Coalition for Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, commited to becoming a people that repudiates the doctrine of discovery in our words, thoughts, and actions.

Sarah talks about becoming a mediator through Lombard Mennonite
Peace Center, learning the tools for effective nonviolent resistance. Her theme on this September 11th Sunday was how violence is exponential in its growth.

The Doctrine of Discovery is a legal doctrine, a paradime for creating law. It is the current legal doctrine in the United States that defines reality for indigenous peoples, dating back to colonization., mission, and economic development. It was last cited in 2005 in a majority opinion written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who said that this is a matter of settled law.

And it is also based upon Christian doctrine deployed by the church.

Hear more as Sarah talks about indigenous boarding schools, the role of Indian agents and pastors, missions and economic development, and the current impact of the Doctrine of Discovery — along with Jesus’ message of justice.

(Apologies that the first lines of her sermon were clipped.)

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+1 626-398-8224